UK Storms Feb 2014

Well We’ve had it rough here for the last few weeks, Constant battering from high winds and rain. As some of you may have seen on the news down in the South of England it has been particularly bad, With Chesil taking most of the brunt as has the devon and cornwall coastline, the destruction has been High. Inland has not been unaffected either, with the Somerset Levels being underwater for some Weeks now. 


Now on with the Photos, Due to work And other Commitments haven’t got many of this weather, plus the fact its just been unsafe to get out. I managed a trip to portland bill the other evening to capture these two images. 



And it has Been Far Worse than That!! Both of these were taken on a moderately calm Day in comparison to the rest of the storm, Preparations for the next one are under way now,  When Will it end? Who knows


Other than these I have been busy Taking wedding Bookings and meeting new clients, So business is starting to pick up. Have also scouted some nice portrait locations for a future shoot idea i have, So Keep an eye out for that. Just need this weather to end and for it to warm up slightly 

Why not check out my Website while your here? 


Cheers for now



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